Saturday, April 17, 2010

Eat to Lose Weight

I came accross this article. I thought was very intresting.

Our body rests and recharges during our sleep at night and conserves energy. During this cycle, our body slows down on metabolism and doesn't burn energy. To lose weight, we need to take in some form of nutrients. That is why one of the many reasons breakfast is essential to losing weight. Once we eat breakfast, our body will start to burn energy, and prepare for our daily life challenge ahead of us.

Instant foods or foods that are prepared in a hurry sometimes can have an adverse impact to our health. These types of foods usually contain a large amount of calories and fats. It is essential to eat foods at breakfast that will give us energy but it is also important not to over indulge foods that will flood our calorie count in our body at the beginning to the rest of our day. It is vital to avoid fast food and high sugar content food for breakfasts. Beware! Not all cereals, breakfast drinks, and smoothies are healthy for our body. Read the ingredients content before you buy them as some may contain a high amount of fats and calories in very small servings. So read and choose wisely before putting these items in your shopping cart.

Eating healthy breakfast foods is essential especially foods that are low in fats and sugar that will give us energy and helps in our diet. Foods like eggs, oatmeal, fruits, and healthy cereals are all items that can be consumed on a regular basis.

Protein is also essential for our body in loosing weight. During exercise, our body will use the protein to create lean muscle and burn calories during its process. This will help us to lose weight. Protein should be taken in the morning with breakfast and at night before sleep as both times are ideal for helping our body create lean muscle.

So, bear in mind that, to lose weight, don't starve yourself. Eat smart and you're on your way to success in loosing weight.

Finally Control Your Appetite & Lose Weight Fast With This New All Natural Appetite Suppressant

I really think you need to read this info for your self.

When we're trying to lose weight and we're hungry all the time things just don't
work out for us. I know. I've been there in the past. I tried everything. Just eat more fiber they said, so I didn't work. Cut your carbs and you're hunger will just go away...yeah right.

Stomach Stapling - Doesn't Work

And then there are the methods to help control our appetite that are just down right dangerous and don't really make any sense the stapling of the stomach routine. How is that supposed to work long term? I mean you can't just keep it in their forever, can you? What happens when it comes our appetite going to be suppressed? I don't think so. So, why risk having dangerous surgery? It makes no sense at all.

Eating More Fiber - Doesn't Work

What about the fiber bars? It supposed to be revolutionary, but it's really not any better than trying to eat a bunch or carrots or peas or other high fiber does nothing. See, when we're really over weight, like I was, we're always hungry! That's the problem. The ONLY solution is to take that hunger away.

Jittery Diet Pills - Work, But Not Worth The Health Risks

Many people resort to using diet pills. But those diet pills are nothing more than speed with a prescription, they are extremely dangerous and they mess with our hearts and our brains and our blood pressure. I don't know about you but I'm trying to lose weight to get healthy, I don't need any MORE health problems. I need to curb my hunger, and I want a natural way to curb my hunger cravings.

Now There's Peptide GLP-1 - The Only Natural Appetite Suppressant That Works

Up until a few months a go you would have been out of luck trying to find a natural hunger fighter that works...but since the discovery of Peptide GLP-1 and the new appetite suppressant developed from it you've not got a legitimate option that's all natural, curbs hunger, and really works to lose weight fast.

I've been on it for a while now, my sister is a nutritionist and she found out about this from a friend. It's amazing, nothing I have ever tried works like this little pill does.

I am just not hungry...and I'm NOT jittery, wired, or anything like that. It's a modern science miracle...I am positive that I could not have controlled my hunger and lost 20 pounds in 35 days without this weight loss help.

Best Way to Lose Weight Fast - What's Right For You

I found this article that I think you should all read

First up, if you don't already drink plenty of water then start. The body needs water to stay hydrated and to perform important functions. Extra water aids in the breakdown of fat cells. It also helps carry nutrients into cells and helps the transport of vitamins and minerals. The more exercise you do the more water you need to main a good level of body hydration.

Don't skip breakfast to lose weight, as this will cause you to feel much hungrier over the course of the day. If you eat a reasonable amount for breakfast you won't feel the need to eat as much late at night. Instant and extreme diet changes are often dangerous, in fact if you cut down more than 500 calories per day there is a strong risk that you will lose muscle mass instead of fat. The fat cells need to be burned up and used as energy and this isn't an instant response to not eating. In fact the body can sense a low-food environment, that it might experience if it was in the wild, which causes it to be more likely to preserve any food eaten as fat. You need to burn the fat off with extra physical exertion and a low calorie count.

So which diet should you choose. You've probably read a few and some sounded good but you couldn't decide which is best. Well don't fall for ridiculous claims of excessive weight loss, because too much weight loss in a short time is dangerous. The key is a good amount of consistent weight loss. You can expect to reach a point where it begins to slow down, as long as you're measuring the weight loss it can help to keep you motivated through this point.

The key to picking a diet, is what is right for you. What can you realistically cut out and not struggle to avoid? If you can't stick to a diet or workout plan then it won't ever work. You may be excited when you start but think about if you can keep that excitement throughout the whole process. Going to a gym is a great idea but some people need to a join a club that does a sport that they find exciting to keep exercising easily. It's much easier to exercise when you really want to go out there and hit balls with a tennis racquet or whatever you enjoy most. Other people feel awkward about their weight around other people and prefer to exercise in their own home, this is possible as long as you find something you can stick to consistently.

Take an itemized calorie count of your current diet and try and keep a diary of your progress. You can expect to suffer setbacks in any endeavor but by keeping a diary of your progress you can see why and how your problems arose so you can adjust for it on further attempts. If you can find someone you have to be accountable to this can also help you as it stops you having an easy way out when the going gets tough.

You probably feel locked inside a situation you can't control. Does it sometimes seem like there is no solution? If you switch from diet to diet to occasionally working out you'll struggle to make progress. Click here to learn the 10 easy rules of fat loss & dieting.

Cannot Lose Weight? Find Out Why Most Weight Loss Training Programs Fail!

Heres a good article about losing weight.

Every time you look into the mirror and see your bloated belly, you feel bad and promise yourself that you will get down to exercising and dieting to kick out the lumps of lard. But you were probably too lazy to do it and the pounds just got piled on without any resistance from your side and now you find that you resemble a football or a hot air balloon.

Well, there is no need to fret for all is not lost. If you sign up for any of the many popular weight loss programs that are advertised, there is guarantee that you will end up losing quite a substantial amount of weight. And most of these weight loss programs do work.

However, when researchers conducted a test on these various weight loss programs that are advertised in the internet and which always try to uphold their own virtues by downplaying or maligning the other weight loss plans and programs, they found that most of these weight loss programs are the same as far as their efficacy is concerned and they all produce the same results. There are some people who can lose weight by this but there will also be others who cannot lose weight from various programs.

The overall rate of success of these weight loss programs which are always competing with each other is more or less the same. And the most humorous part is that these programs all fail at the same hurdle in spite of making really tall claims.

When you start off or enroll in a weight loss program that has been hyped up to the sky, you will start losing weight fast and for the first 10 days or 14 days, you will be losing weight at a rapid pace. And then suddenly you will hit the dreaded plateau and most weight watchers claim that during this plateau fat loss slackens down or dwindles, slowly becomes stagnant or stops completely! And the obese individual gets stuck at that point in spite of continuing with the exercise program and controlled diet.

This happens because the body gets habituated to the rigor through which it is put and adjusts itself to the new routine and the metabolic process slows down. You have to be cleverer than nature to be able to trick the body into losing weight. You have to alter the diet regimen and your exercise schedule every now and then to keep the metabolic process active at all times. Without following this step then you will always wonder why you cannot lose weight.

Joshua Reeves has been responsible for the weight loss for many people online. His website Quickest Way To Lose Weight includes a TOP-NOTCH way to lose up to 40 pounds in only a month for FREE! It's now your time to take action and burn stomach fat ASAP!!

Article Source:

Do You Really Know How to Lose Weight? This is the Real Way That Nobody Has Told You About!

Most people believe that they already know everything about weight loss, but if you read this article you will realise that there are many fat loss facts that you have never even heard of:

According to the Central Research Institute of Hunt in Japan, adding vinegar to your diet can reduce the accumulation of body fat by 10%. The lead researcher Dr. Kondo said that the first experiments on humans are extremely encouraging. The consumption of only 15 ml of vinegar, reduced fat (especially abdominal) in a group of volunteers.

But, vinegar is not the only ingredient that seems to affect body weight. Studies have shown that there are many other natural enemies of fat:

One tablespoon of chilli sauce (like Tabasco) and adding mustard to your food can speed metabolism by up to 15%, two hours after a meal. The capsaicin found in chilli peppers is believed to be responsible for these beneficial effects. Capsaicin is the same substance that makes chillies spicy and can also put the brakes on appetite. Not only that, but a chili pepper contains more vitamin C than a whole orange. It is also rich in potassium, vitamin A and fiber, and many believe that it can help you fight against heart disease and cancer.
Green tea contains catechins, a group of substances that have been shown to reduce fat. Catechins seem to intensify fat oxidation and thermogenesis, which is the heat created by the body when it burns food for energy. Drinking Japanese green tea regularly will increase your metabolism and help you reduce your weight safely and naturally.
People who consume cheese and other dairy products daily lose more weight, according to Australian scientists from the Curtin University of Technology. During the study, the volunteers increased their consumption of dairy products by three to four servings and lost more weight. Also they ended up having low blood pressure, less abdominal weight and significantly less risk to develop heart disease and diabetes. Cheese and other dairy products are high in protein, which contributes to the feeling of fullness and accelerates the metabolism of the body. Dairy products are also a good source of calcium and vitamins. However, some types of cheese may contain large quantities of fats and salt, so it would be a good idea to read the labels before purchasing the product.
Two cups of coffee about half an hour before aerobic exercise (like jogging) can increase the amount of fat the body breaks down for energy in order to feed the muscles.

Next find out the #1 method to LOSE WEIGHT PERMANENTLY. Just Click Here!

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