Saturday, April 17, 2010

Do You Really Know How to Lose Weight? This is the Real Way That Nobody Has Told You About!

Most people believe that they already know everything about weight loss, but if you read this article you will realise that there are many fat loss facts that you have never even heard of:

According to the Central Research Institute of Hunt in Japan, adding vinegar to your diet can reduce the accumulation of body fat by 10%. The lead researcher Dr. Kondo said that the first experiments on humans are extremely encouraging. The consumption of only 15 ml of vinegar, reduced fat (especially abdominal) in a group of volunteers.

But, vinegar is not the only ingredient that seems to affect body weight. Studies have shown that there are many other natural enemies of fat:

One tablespoon of chilli sauce (like Tabasco) and adding mustard to your food can speed metabolism by up to 15%, two hours after a meal. The capsaicin found in chilli peppers is believed to be responsible for these beneficial effects. Capsaicin is the same substance that makes chillies spicy and can also put the brakes on appetite. Not only that, but a chili pepper contains more vitamin C than a whole orange. It is also rich in potassium, vitamin A and fiber, and many believe that it can help you fight against heart disease and cancer.
Green tea contains catechins, a group of substances that have been shown to reduce fat. Catechins seem to intensify fat oxidation and thermogenesis, which is the heat created by the body when it burns food for energy. Drinking Japanese green tea regularly will increase your metabolism and help you reduce your weight safely and naturally.
People who consume cheese and other dairy products daily lose more weight, according to Australian scientists from the Curtin University of Technology. During the study, the volunteers increased their consumption of dairy products by three to four servings and lost more weight. Also they ended up having low blood pressure, less abdominal weight and significantly less risk to develop heart disease and diabetes. Cheese and other dairy products are high in protein, which contributes to the feeling of fullness and accelerates the metabolism of the body. Dairy products are also a good source of calcium and vitamins. However, some types of cheese may contain large quantities of fats and salt, so it would be a good idea to read the labels before purchasing the product.
Two cups of coffee about half an hour before aerobic exercise (like jogging) can increase the amount of fat the body breaks down for energy in order to feed the muscles.

Next find out the #1 method to LOSE WEIGHT PERMANENTLY. Just Click Here!

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